Sunday 15 January 2012

The Future of Us by Jay Asher & Carolyn Mackler

This is obviously the summer of the light teen romance, because here is another one!

It's 1996 and Emma gets a new computer from her Dad complete with Windows 95. Her neighbour and best friend, Josh gives her a CD-Rom for free online access.

But when she sets up her email account and logs on...Emma ends up on this weird page where everyone is leaving random personal status reports...including herself. It's 15 years in the future and she has checked into her facebook page.

The problem is, Emma doesn't like what she sees there. (Although Josh is delighted to find out that he is married to the hottest girl in school!)
And so begins a light-hearted romp through teen angst and the idea that each small event in our lives has unforeseen effects that ripple into the future.

There are some mild sexual references and 'Wayne's World' quotes to beware!


  1. Oh my God - there is a bookshop in Balmain that has this book in their window! (The one next to Holy Sheet)

  2. Ba ha! You're becoming a one man PR-band! :-)


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